
Sunday, September 22, 2013


      I had an interesting argument with some friends today
 about the first six days of Earth. According to general
Christian belief God modeled the Earth in 6 days and Rested on the 7th, right? So I'll ask you my fellow blog visitors this: Genesis 1:3-13; GOD created Light, called the light DAY, created the Sky, created the oceans and made the Land produce all kinds of vegetation. This was done in 3days. Now, on the fourth day... Genesis 1:14-19; GOD created Light again(?). The sun, moon, stars were created on Day 4.
     Now my questions: If the Sun was created on day 4, what was that LIGHT that shone during the day on Days 1,2, and 3? And don't say it's the LIGHT OF GOD because HIS LIGHT shines unconditionally; day and night, and HE wouldn't have said "Let there be Light" when HIS Glorious Light would've been enveloping the Universe at the time. If then you're confused about that Light, then isn't it safe to say that the Earth was made in 6 days, figuratively speaking? After all, GOD doesn't really rest, but HE "Rested" on the 7th day, right? I think God modeled the whole world in a time space continuum that we've not yet
comprehended. What do you think precious fellow visitors?''


  1. I'm here again,but I don't knw wat tu say... I hope sending dis comments dat yu don't have tu post shows dat I support you... The talks r rily interesting

  2. it is said that a 1000years is as a day before the Lord Ps90:4... my ways are not yours neither my thoughts, says God. Am not sure we can fully understand Genesis1 without divine inspiration...

  3. That's quite tru, you shuld knw that the Bilble was written by men and has undergone so many surgerys of translations tru 1600 years, its only reasonable to think sumthing could have happend along the time line.... That's a really good post anyway....

  4. Nice post.
    My comment goes thus:
    Initially we are told the earth was without form and void, in short, it did not exist. Void means empty, which could very well represent the darkness mentioned in verse 2. So when God initially created light, He was creating an entity which would then become the universe. He created something out of nothing. So if nothingness was being represented with darkness, the opposite of that, something would be represented with light.

    To fully understand Gen 1, one needs to look at the full picture. It didn't just happen randomly, God had a plan so it was a stepwise act of creation. First create something out of nothing, then He separates the atmosphere since water occupied the space. Then made land and sea, then vegetation. Next He separates the day by creating the sun, moon and stars. Then animals and finally man.

    I saw a comment saying "does God rest" well the truth is God has no need for rest but on the seventh day, He set an example for every human. Because He knew we would work during the week but we are not immortal, we would need the rest to refresh our soul.

    So yes, God did create the world in 6 days (not 6000yrs) and He rested on the 7th day.

  5. Its true, we can't undastand Gods work witout Divine intervention,nd my Reverend alway say Dnt ask Rhetorical questions. So its a ques man can't undastand nd answer.ders a yoruba sayin, Aditu ni ise olorun,ko si eni ti o
