Shakespeare once said that "nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it" so Whose thoughts determines what is wrong and what is right and how did we come about the term RIGHT and WRONG?
I find myself making judgements or assumptions on what is right and what is wrong all the time but then I ask myself how do I make the distinctions
Mostly when I think in black and white I miss all the shades of grey in between as most times someone has to be wrong for someone else to be right
What are the parameters for determining what is right from wrong and how are the distinctions made
Take for instance the controversial topic of gay marriage and the effect it has had while others are for the universal right to marriage others are against it
And another major controversial issue is the proposed legalization of abortion and or abortion pills as it has been a controversial issue for years and all over the world. some has castigated the legalization of the right to kill innocent unborn children while others has seen it as a prevention of unwanted pregnancies and babies who later grow up to be criminals for lack of proper care or family
how then do we arrive at the conclusion of what Is right and what isn't on a universal scale, how did we internationally define what is good and what is bad
In a famous quote by werner erhad. He said "there are always somethings we do not know, the knowing of which could change everything"
And as it has always been said that truth is simply a matter of perspective and no one person can be the judge. What's your take on this?
I find myself making judgements or assumptions on what is right and what is wrong all the time but then I ask myself how do I make the distinctions
Mostly when I think in black and white I miss all the shades of grey in between as most times someone has to be wrong for someone else to be right
What are the parameters for determining what is right from wrong and how are the distinctions made
Take for instance the controversial topic of gay marriage and the effect it has had while others are for the universal right to marriage others are against it
And another major controversial issue is the proposed legalization of abortion and or abortion pills as it has been a controversial issue for years and all over the world. some has castigated the legalization of the right to kill innocent unborn children while others has seen it as a prevention of unwanted pregnancies and babies who later grow up to be criminals for lack of proper care or family
how then do we arrive at the conclusion of what Is right and what isn't on a universal scale, how did we internationally define what is good and what is bad
In a famous quote by werner erhad. He said "there are always somethings we do not know, the knowing of which could change everything"
And as it has always been said that truth is simply a matter of perspective and no one person can be the judge. What's your take on this?