
Monday, September 30, 2013


  Shakespeare once said that "nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it" so Whose thoughts determines what is wrong and what is right and how did we come about the term RIGHT and WRONG?
  I find myself making judgements or assumptions on what is right and what is wrong all the time but then I ask myself how do I make the distinctions
  Mostly when I think in black and white I miss all the shades of grey in between as most times someone has to be wrong for someone else to be right
   What are the parameters for determining what is right from wrong and how are the distinctions made
     Take for instance the controversial topic of gay marriage and the effect it has had while others are for the universal right to marriage others are against it  
    And another major controversial issue is the proposed legalization of abortion and or abortion pills as it has been a controversial issue for years and all over the world. some has castigated the legalization of the right to kill innocent unborn children while others has seen it as a prevention of unwanted pregnancies and babies who later grow up to be criminals for lack of proper care or family
    how then do we arrive at the conclusion of what Is right and what isn't on a universal scale, how did we internationally define what is good and what is bad
   In a famous quote by werner erhad. He said "there are always somethings we do not know, the knowing of which could change everything"
And as it has always been said that truth is simply a matter of perspective and no one person can be the judge. What's your take on this?

Sunday, September 29, 2013


    I decided to write what my blog is all about today. As
The creation of this blogspot has come about as a result of my observation of certain human behaviours and thoughts as I have at times wondered in silence and asked myself certain questions that I could never have answered, so I thought it would be useful and perhaps insightful to have my own notes, ideas and general take on things written down somewhere that is easily accessible. I thought it would also be helpful to get feedback on my work.

Am currently a member of the university of Abuja campus community and I have decided to shed my opinions on certain issues in my spare time as I find it so insightfully interesting. I'm a big believer that psychology can be used in every part of life. It's a key ingredient to understanding the way that we as a society work and how a bit about ourselves and others can change our lives for the better.
    With the whole idea being to ask questions other people are also asking but are not voicing and sharing common grounds,opinion and ideas on certain issues as well as constructively criticizing others...
    Its been fun so far and we are just getting started so hold on to your horses peeps and enjoy the ride ;)

Saturday, September 28, 2013


      Did u know that everything a man does springs from 2 motives: THE SEX URGE and THE DESIRE TO BE GREAT
      this 2 motives are the reasons behind most decisions and actions men make
     let's take the sex urge for instance which is the single most common activity or thought in the life of a 'sexually' active man, as most things he does would revolves around it, say for instance you want to buy a shirt u buy the one that u think makes you more attractive based on the knowledge that your attractiveness would make u look desirable, the way you choose to walk, the way you choose to talk...your persona. All these actions are based on the ideology that you look attractive that way, you go to the gym, the cologne you wear..(except you re gay of course, in which case you'll still feel the need to be attractive) all this activities although common embodies a hidden urge to attract a girl which could in turn bring about sexual gratification...
   And then there is the desire to be decide to be educated not cos you re passionate about classrooms or tests or exams but because of your desire to be great because of the desire to want to amount to something in life not necesarily through 'educatin but by being educated',that sounded so good am going to say it again" u go to school because u want to amount to something in life not necessarily through EDUCATION but by being EDUCATED". U want to be a musician not cos u want to sing to your family members at birthday parties but cos u want to be recognized internationally and all this goes to show that within every man is a desire to be great, so basically the choices we've made in life has basically been influenced by our desire to be GREAT or. SEXUAL URGE........
     So out of curiosity

Friday, September 27, 2013

Why didn't "COCA-COLA COMPANY" pay KUNLE..........

    I am a really big fan of wizkid and I am aware he is a brand ambassador for pepsi but I really don't remember the last time I bought a pepsi just because wizkid is on the poster telling me pepsi makes u "ask for more", but I can remember a lot of times where I had bought a bottle of coke just cos my friend KUNLE is buying one
   By the way a Brand Ambassador is a marketing term for a person employed by an organization or company to promote its products or services within the activity known as branding.
   So it makes me wonder why organizations most especially those operating in Nigeria has narrowed their scope merely to celebrity branding , While I ve noticed that my decision to use most things or products is influenced by my close friends, family and environment and not a particular celebrity. In fact I would rather have switched to mtn PULSE because my best friend tells me its cheaper rather than because davido is on a bill board saying it is.
 And in the same vein I would buy a samsung galaxy S4 because that's what that guy that wants to snatch my girlfriend is impressing her and oppressing me with and not because Banky W is on a poster saying it is.    
     We all hear of multi- million naira endorsement deals. and I ask myself why pay an already rich celebrity a lot of money to do nothing when u can pay an average enthusiastic customer a lot less to advertise the same goods for you and get more customers from him.
 Cause Frankly I would pay more attention to see the smile of a random kid on a billboard telling me to buy something or try out a new product than I will seeing an already rich and famous celebrity on the same bill board,
 Because in my hearts of hearts I know that he is only telling me to use that particular products because he has been paid heavily and not cos the product is actually as good as he is saying it is
   No beefs though(small beef sha) but in my own opinion I think branding should have evolved in Nigeria or to have moved to the lower level of enthusiastic customers who are personal brand ambassadors in their own communities in order to bring about equality in the distribution of wealth as the rich keeps getting richer and the poor sometimes stay poor....

  So now blog visitors why hasn't kunle been paid by Coca-Cola for being a brand ambassador? ;)

Words of wisdom.........

Words of advice on a rainy cloudy friday..
   Trust someone only when you are willing to accept the consequence and not because you think its safe or you think you are taking a risk
  Open your arms to correction but do not let go of your values, in the same vein you can't go to the past to give u a brand new beginning but you can start now to give you a brand new ending. and most of all Never beg for a relationship. Be brave to accept the ones who really wants to be with you and reject the ones who just pretends to be with you cause a fool that knows he is a fool is for that reason a wise man but a fool that thinks he is wise is the greatest fool of all
    In conclusion if u need something to be said. Ask a man, but you need something to be done ask a woman ;).......forget your mistakes but don't forget the lesson.....

Thursday, September 26, 2013


    To find fault with others is too easy but to actually examine ourselves from within is harder. I read a story that I want to share with you blog visitors about a famous pilot who was flying his family home on a private plane after being guest at an air show. At three hundred feet in the air ..both engines suddenly stopped. By deft maneuvering he managed to land the plane but it was badly damaged although nobody was hurt.
     His first reaction after the emergency landing was to inspect the aeroplane’s fuel and just as he suspected the air plane had been fueled with jet fuel rather than gasoline
upon returning to the airport he asked to see the mechanic who had serviced his airplane. The young man was sick with the agony of his mistake as tears stream down his face as the pilot approached, he had just caused the loss of a very expensive plane and could have caused the loss of three lives as well
    You can imagine the pilots anger. One could anticipate the tongue-lashing that this proud and precise pilot would unleash for that carelessness. But the pilot surprisingly didn’t scold the mechanic he didn’t even criticize him. Instead he put his big hand around the man’s shoulder and said, “to show you that am sure that you‘ll never do this again, I want you to service my F-15 tomorrow.’
     And we can all but wonder if he ever made such a mistake or any other similar mistake
And this has made me realize that rather than condemn people. Let's try to understand them. Let's try to figure out why they do what they do and you will realize that its a lot more profitable and intriguing than criticism.......they say a great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little people.... And besides blog visitors "God himself does not propose to judge man until the end of his days
    So why should you and I?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


  Lying is one of the most common vices in the world as We all lie a lot, up to 50 times per day unconsciously and consciously. So what would happen if you were completely honest? Even for just a day?

I in my own opinion believes the following things may happen:

People will stop speaking to you
People will think you're rude
You'll frighten people.
People will think you are proud and arrogant
You'll entertain people.
People will trust your advice.
You'll become free.
While I'm not sure most people will think you are proud and arrogant due to the honesty approach, I think the rest of it seems pretty true.
  I don't always share my opinion and sometimes keep things to myself, but I make a major effort not to lie, I might decide to omit the truth though ..but not lie
Although I don't always succeed, but I feel better when I do. It's not because I feel like I'm doing the right thing for other people, but because I feel like I don't have to hide anything. And I like that.
   But how do we distinguish between a lie and an omission of the truth.....
What's the distinction between a white lie and an actual lie?....
     Am I being honest if I tell someone over the phone that am at home while am actually in my neighbor's house ...or does my statement have to be accurately precise to connote honesty...
   How true can the statement.."We lie to the people we love to protect them from certain truths we believe they are not strong enough to handle" be?
    What about you? Could you become completely honest? What do you think would happen if you did?
             And what are your examples of white lies

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


  I am asking the Love questions because sometimes the heart is not so smart..right?
Is it possible to love two people at the same time but in different ways?strong emotional feelings that makes you stuck on both?
  Or could it be just selfishness in the sense that both have their own unique characters that appeals to you and you just can't decide which qualities outranks which?
   How can you decide and what are the yardsticks to be taken into consideration when making this decisions?
      Is it probably possible that these feelings can be separated from one another and one termed as ''I love you'' and the other ''I am in love with you''.
        And if so Which outranks which?

Monday, September 23, 2013


  Do you ever take a walk down memory lane?where does the path lead you?...familiar things that have changed but in your mind they still stay the same?
  Do you still remember the ex that got away?The one whose love you thought was ''IT' but circumstances or friends,family took them away?...or was it you or something you did that sent them packing?
 Do you remember that girl or guy that u would have given anything and everything for just to have dated and hear them say the words I LOVE YOU to you but never did....and the real questions at the end of the day would be the one you ask yourselves when you are probably old with grandkids and as you stroll down memory lane you ask WHAT IF?...what if she had said yes? or what if he had asked me out, what if she/he had loved you? Would your grand kids be different, would you be where or who you are today
    Barrack Obama and michelle once went out to have dinner at one of michelle's ex boyfriends restaurant and Barrack Obama then said "so if u had married him you ll now be the owner of this wonderful restaurant" to which michelle responded No if I had married him he would now be the president...
I know we are all probably in a happy spot right regrets and all but when you run into the one who got away,you whisper to the next person ''oh,thats the one love i can never forget,thats the one who got away......
     Dont we all have them?
C'mon take a walk down memory lane with me......


 What do you do when your close friend constantly flirts with your Man/Woman?
     When you complain it looks like you are paranoid or insecure but you know your friend too well and you know what they are doing is flirting!. What do you do to that friend? Talk heart to heart? Warn them off?Avoid bringing up the discussion or cut them off completely?
Do you have a friend right now flirting corner corner with your lover and using valid excuses?
Are you watching helplessly because you dont want to be termed a trouble maker?
Are you flirting with your friend's lover right now?
Why are you doing it and what do you hope to achieve?
Some of you have told your friends so many intimate things about your lover that all they want to do is 'taste the pudding' to what point is it okay to keep quiet about it and just watch helplessly
       So at what point does that friend goes past your threshold and at what point do you speak out to save your relationship?
         What level of flirting is safe and which is toxic?

Sunday, September 22, 2013


      I had an interesting argument with some friends today
 about the first six days of Earth. According to general
Christian belief God modeled the Earth in 6 days and Rested on the 7th, right? So I'll ask you my fellow blog visitors this: Genesis 1:3-13; GOD created Light, called the light DAY, created the Sky, created the oceans and made the Land produce all kinds of vegetation. This was done in 3days. Now, on the fourth day... Genesis 1:14-19; GOD created Light again(?). The sun, moon, stars were created on Day 4.
     Now my questions: If the Sun was created on day 4, what was that LIGHT that shone during the day on Days 1,2, and 3? And don't say it's the LIGHT OF GOD because HIS LIGHT shines unconditionally; day and night, and HE wouldn't have said "Let there be Light" when HIS Glorious Light would've been enveloping the Universe at the time. If then you're confused about that Light, then isn't it safe to say that the Earth was made in 6 days, figuratively speaking? After all, GOD doesn't really rest, but HE "Rested" on the 7th day, right? I think God modeled the whole world in a time space continuum that we've not yet
comprehended. What do you think precious fellow visitors?''


 Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate....but how kind do you really think you are?... isn't it surprising that answers might vary from person to person because if you ask someone else how kind they think you are their rating might be surprisingly lower than what u would have expected
   However kindness is the act or the state of being kind, being marked by good and charitable behavior, pleasant disposition, and concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and recognized as a value in many cultures and religions . experience has shown that acts of kindness does not only benefit receivers of the kind act, but also the giver with feelings of contentment and relaxation when such acts are committed
   According to Aristotle kindness simply means "helpfulness towards some one in need, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped"
  So therefore how kind are we really as we all unconciously or even at times conciously perform certain acts of kindness to get something in return from the person immediately or in the nearest future ....
   Kindness actually starts from deep down. It’s about being true to our own feelings and values, and expressing this to other people so our feelings and values get an airing, and so those people know where they stand with us.
If we’re not acting in a way that is kind to ourselves, we will not be acting in a way that is kind towards other people.
 Kindness isn’t lending someone money when you know they’re going to spend it on drugs, alcohol,women or rack up more debt.
Kindness is telling them you’re not going to lend them money and doing what you reasonably can to support them through their journey.
  Kindness is accepting where other people are, and not trying to change them
  Kindness is acting without expectation of reciprocity or recognition (although there’s nothing wrong with enjoying it). Kindness is an anonymous donation, it’s a surprise email with no expectation of a reply
  Kindness is a religion as the dalai lama of india once said that "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." So how compassionate are you really toward the plight of your fellow human being....
    My philosophy in life has always been " Not to lend something I cannot give away" that is if I am lending u something it means I could have given it to you.............
   In conclusion Analysts warn that 'real kindness changes people in the doing of it, often in unpredictable ways. Real kindness is an exchange with essentially no return
And also , in a relationship, 'real kindness, real feelings, entails hating and being hated that is, really feeling available frustrations and through this coming to a more real relationship...... But hey!! Its just my opinion
              So how Kind are you really?
                     So If u ve learnt anything at all start being kind here by leaving your commment  

Friday, September 20, 2013


  I have always wondered how the human race arrived at the conclusion that certain foods or fruits or seeds or animals were palatable and others weren' there actually a list or is it just psychologically imprinted on us....I know some might say it is as a result of incessant trial and error, but come to think about it how many unknown fruits or foods have you actually put into your mouth just to be able to ascertain if its palatable or therefore who or which generation actually decided on the criteria for palatability of a substance how did we get to define taste and differentiate what is sweet from what is sour
   Let's take it from the first generation of humans" the Adam's family", he and his wife lived in a garden at the time so therefore their diet was basically fruits. and the bible made us realize in Gen 2 vs 16 that "and the lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat" according to God we could eat from every tree of the garden....but who now made the distinctions of which fruits were poisonous and which weren't , how many people had to die for us to compile our list of edible fruits and did we distinguish between weeds, grasses and vegetables how did we conclude that vultures, crows and eagles were not edible but chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls were........these questions are actually rhetorical as we may never know the true answers to why we eat what we eat and why we ignore others...... I honestly do not envy the first man that tasted the bananas, oranges and pineapples as they wouldn't have known to peel the backs of those fruits and they would have probably just gone ahead to bite into the fruit without peeling it......and I imagine their surprise upon realization that beneath the peel actually lies the juice......
  The next generation of humans probably had fire and would have been challenged with the problems of determining which crops were cookable and which weren't and they would also have determine at what point the cooked food was done......who discovered rice and decided that  boiling it was the best way to consume it why didn't they just decide to fry it or roast it....and it  amazes me why all this questions although pivotal to the human existence are never really been investigated or properly researched at the highest levels of civilization 
   just an elite few actually considers why we do what we do when we do the big question remains If you know a particular way of preparing a particular food better than the way it is normally done or you discover a new palatable fruit that is new to do you share your knowledge with the rest of the world...... 

       leave your comments below......thanks again for reading..


You know lately I have been thinking "What or who actually defines beauty, what are the yardstick for quantifying beauty, or what organization or group of people actually defines the Term beauty" Oxford defines beauty as "a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight"
While wikipedia defines it as "a combination of qualities that pleases the intellect or moral sense"
 ...I know beauty they say is in the eyes of the beholder. But is there really any general parameter for actually determining what is beautiful and what is not. If we can agree that perspectives differ from person to person then its possible that my definition of beauty may be your definition of ugly and that certain qualities that pleases my intellect or moral sense does not please yours. Then how do we ascertain Who is or is not beautiful..... Its funny when we look ourselves in the mirror and  stare directly into our eye and try to see beyond our face into our soul...... Is it then safe to say that beauty lies within and does not border upon the shape of your nose, lips or the size of your eyes or the color of your skin ....but perhaps it is the content of our character that actually defines how beautiful we are. According to wikipedia's definition of beauty it is quantified based on moral and intellectual appeal so then "WHO IS ACTUALLY BEAUTIFUL AND WHO IS NOT?"
  More so its also been discovered that the more accustomed u get to a face the more attractive it seems ....then it gets me wondering what am I really like and if people see me the way I see myself, as I would want to believe that I am smart, interesting, happy and handsome ;) (hehehe)... but the truth is you never get to see yourself for who you really are.
  I once read that each human being sees the world from his own very unique point of elevation, perception, and inception so therefore every one sees himself as beautiful and judges other based on the image of himself that he projects onto others
   That's why we sometimes see someone we clearly perceive as ugly telling you that "I SHA KNOW AM FINER THAN YOU" and then you are forced to start asking what mirror have they been looking?   So it begs the question......HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE WE REALLY?

      Thanks for reading this post and please don't forget to comment...see at the next stop ;)