
Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I  recently watched a christian tv show where I saw a pastor perform a miracle on a deaf and dumb man and when he was asked to speak, he could speak..but then it hit me, how?
  How could he master the complexity of the english language within seconds of hearing it for the first time

Language can be defined as the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way

So how does a deaf man who can't hear the pronounciation of the letter A as 'hay' capitulate within seconds the pronounciation of the word 'ABLE'

Why does 'to', 'two', 'too' all sound alike but have different meanings?

Hence I wonder what language the child of a dumb woman who was raised lets say on a desserted island would grow up to speak. assuming the child wasn't dumb could they create there own language as The need for communication has always been a basic need for the human race. Then how did we come about sounds and consonants and vowels and phonetics.......

I often wonder why as babies we can master the complexities in language and be able able to attach sounds to words and give those words meaning to form the bases of an understanding
U can Try to form an alphabet by jst drawing a random sign but try pronouncing it without using any of the known alphabets for instance try pronouncing   אֶת-הָעִי

So How did we distinguish the english language from  french
Aw did we attach meaning to these words.
What makes the letters  'T', 'H', 'I', 'N', 'K' mean think?

I know some would refer to the bible in the city of babel when God scattered the people while trying to create the tower with different tongues but the issue here is how the languages evolved and how our forefather's gibberish turned into yourba, hausa or igbo  and how we were able to synchronize every yoruba, igbo or hausa statements with actual meaning in english
How does the brain capitulate words?
 The smae ltteers anraged difrneftly maens a difrneft tihng and as cmopelx as it is u smeohow uesdnatnrd waht am aulaclty wrnitig rhigt now

 Why weren't we just speaking when we were born and why did we have to speak gibberish for a couple of year before growing to learn....
   What if babies gibberish  is actually a language and maybe the original language we are supposed to be speaking cos it was what we were born with.
  think about it all babies makes the same sound no matter the tribe or country they are from

What if its a universal language?

If so imagine what was going on in your head as a baby when people couldn't understand you.
   Why was it easy for you to  learn and understand a new language as a 3 year old and harder for you to learn a new language as an adult(u might try learning chinese now and let's see how that goes)
    what do u think

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